Wednesday, January 26, 2011


"Well, that is another hope gone. `My life is a perfect graveyard of buried hopes.' That's a sentence I read in a book once, and I say it over to comfort myself whenever I'm disappointed in anything."
"I don't see where the comforting comes in myself," said Marilla.
"Why, because it sounds so nice and romantic, just as if I were a heroine in a book, you know. I am so fond of romantic things, and a graveyard full of buried hopes is about as romantic a thing as one can imagine isn't it? I'm rather glad I have one." Anne of Green Gables

I remember reading somewhere that in Victorian times a popular "date spot" was the local graveyard for twilight walks. That always struck me as a little weird, and then I started walking around graveyards (not as a weird hobby, but rather when the opportunity presented itself). I myself was romanced by the histories and stories I found. This particular photo was taken at St.Andrews, Scotland. It was next to the ocean. Being surrounded by history and the sea my New England bred nerd-dom was in its glory!

On a deeper note, although a young Anne uses this phrase lightly I can't help but reading more into it. The idea a graveyard of buried hopes makes me look heavenward with the everlasting hope that saints who are buried will rise again. God is good and His love endures forever--even when the disappointments of life hit hard.

1 comment:

  1. the promise of resurrection! God is so good, raising hope when all seems lost :-)
    Lovely picture!
