Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Honesty--Straight Up

So....I open the door to this long ignored mess of a closet that I haven't really known what to do with for the past 9 months, and all I can do it sit on the floor and stare with a big sigh.  Have you ever done that? Known you really should get going on a task, but just sit there and stare at it imagining what a wonderful world it would be if it just finished itself. When I started this blog I wanted a place to put my pictures and to do something a little creative with them. I had a pile of ideas and a love for the Anne books that I assumed would be a never ending well of inspiration. But I soon realized that my pile of good ideas was smaller that I hoped. And then my computer moved to an assisted living facility with little hope of recovery. And I was getting increasingly frustrated with my camera and its lack of "big-girl"ness.

Now, about a year after its birth I have a plan. I've decided it is enough of a creative outlet to just take the pictures. I will post them as I take them and let you decide if they are pretty or not.

Oh and I got a big-girl they should be at least a little bit pretty. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. enjoying the "big-girl"ness of you and your adventures <3
